Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dennis Speaks at SEIU Presidential Forum


Blogger GulfHagas said...

Dear Cyndy,

I'm not commenting on Rep. Kucinich but rather on Craig's website which I serendipitously chanced upon while researching Ken Kesey. I have lingered and sampled and enjoyed and regretted that I did not know Craig in this world as he seems a fellow I would have enjoyed a great deal and, my suspicion is anyway, that the sentiment would have been mutual.

Thank you for keeping this material available. Please accept my sincere condolences with respect to the imminent anniversary of Craig's passing.


F. Carl Mahoney
Kansas City, MO

6:04 PM  
Blogger Lisa Zahn said...

Hi Cyndy,

Thanks for commenting at my blog. It is scary what's going on. I don't condone the violence some of the people are committing, but to have this "pre-emptive" arresting of people and all that is just ridiculous and wrong.

Sometimes I just wonder, "what are we going to do?"

Thanks for your blog and what you're doing!

Lisa in MN

7:45 AM  

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